Top 5 Most Dangerous Areas in Long Island With Considerably High Crime Rates.

Long Island, New York Long Island is an island in the southeastern area of New York. It is in the Atlantic Ocean. The island has four counties from west to east. They are Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk namely. ‘Kings County’ is the New York City borough of ‘Brooklyn’, and ‘Queens County’ is the borough of … Read more

Protesters chanted “Death to America and Israel” during Al Quds-Day, Michigan

During the last day of Ramadan, Muslim protestors chanted Death to America and Israel in Michigan. During the International AL Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan. Protestors started to chant ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’. The rally took place on the last day of Ramadan. It took place in the most Muslim population area … Read more

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, USA Pennsylvania, officially known as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a state of the United States. Pennsylvania is the fifth most populated state in the United States. It is the 33rd largest state by area in the country. Pennsylvania is geographically immensely diverse. The Appalachian Mountains in the center, and the Allegheny and Pocono Mountains in the northeastern area, beautifully contribute to … Read more